Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Maggie is nine!

We will be full-on adoption blogging mode in just one day, but before we leave I wanted to make sure I wrote about my Maggie.

Maggie is now nine years old! It's always hard to believe when I sit down and really contemplate how quickly the years go by.

Maggie is our middle child and feels all the feelings. When she's happy, she's the happiest kid you've known, when she's sad, she's in the depths of despair, when she's angry all her Irish side comes out in full blown fury. Maggie is very much how I was as a child. She loves deeply and feels the injustices in her life very strongly. Everyone in the world needs Jesus, but I think sometimes people like me (and Maggie) feel that need a bit more because we know how, on our own, we are so prone to failure in our words and actions.

I've noticed in the past few weeks after having some great conversations with Maggie that she has tried hard to mellow out the extremes in her personality. It has been really lovely to watch her take her younger sisters under her wing and teach them new games to play, to show them how to climb trees, and to print out paper dolls for them.

Being in the middle can be tough because the older siblings are, well, growing up. They're not as interested in playing make believe stories. I'm so thrilled to see Maggie teaching those stories and games to her younger sisters. I know it won't be too long until she isn't as interested in those child-like games either.

Maggie has a truly compassionate heart. She loves all animals, bugs, and reptiles. Catching toads is still high on her priority list all summer long.

Loves her chicken, Big Mama
She is happy to play with Legos, Woodzeez, and other small toys. She is not very interested in picking up any of the aforementioned items.

This year we started a new tradition where I take the birthday girl out for coffee for an hour. Even though I'm with the girls all the time, I don't get to spend much one-on-one time with them. This was a really special time for us. I enjoyed getting to give Maggie my undivided attention. While the things we talked about were mostly things I already knew about her, I did learn something I hadn't known previously. Maggie really loves to imagine herself in other people's shoes. Actually, creatures shoes. She wondered what it would be like to live the life of a bird or the life of a pig. We imagined together what that would be like. It was actually a chilly day so we decided to just go for a drive around the countryside after she finished her Cotton Candy Gelati. She chose the music (Disney Princess Music on Pandora) and told me about all the animals she was seeing outside her window. A very quick, simple hour, but a new memory to cherish.

Maggie & Mama

Her time with dad was spent eating the breakfast buffet at Lapp's. She said the baked french toast was the best thing. Her glass of chocolate milk was so huge she couldn't finish it. And best of all, she got to take a free whoopie pie home since she was there on her birthday.

Breakfast at Lapp's

They rented a canoe at Muddy Run and took along the fishing pole she got for her birthday. She didn't catch anything but it didn't matter. She still had a great time. And she saw a green heron standing on a branch and watched it fly away.

Maggie is so excited to have another little sister from China. However, she's really holding out hope that we'll have another biological child someday because she loves little babies so very much. Seeing her new baby cousin, Wally, has really stirred this desire up in her. I will say, baby Wally is probably the best baby I've ever seen in my life. He's so laid back, smiles, and is all around happy. Who wouldn't want a baby like him?

Best baby!

I think that Heidi will be a precious sister for Maggie to devote herself to, especially since she's not walking yet, it will make her seem more like a baby than her nearly 2 years.

Maggie loves:
-tuna noodle casserole
-iced coffee
-favorite book: Unicorn Quest
-Legos, hatchimals, and other toys
-cleaning the bathroom
-cauliflower and broccoli (cooked... with salt on it)
-athletic shorts  & tank tops in summer
-sweatpants & loose shirts in winter

Maggie doesn't love:
-hot dogs
-cleaning up toys
-rice and beans

Happy ninth birthday, my Magdalena Faith! We love you!

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