Friday, August 28, 2020

Maggie is Ten!

Ten! Double digits! My miracle baby is growing up. 

Maggie still loves babies more than anything. She still wants to be a mom when she grows up and still hopes her house will be full of redheads. 

She loves fluffy animals, toads, and bugs. Maggie likes playing with Legos, making things with perler beads, fishing, and playing outside. She likes to wear athletic shorts and big t-shirts. Her favorite color is sunshiny yellow. She loves reading. Science with animals and reading are her favorite subjects in school. She is very good at math but she doesn’t love it. 

Maggie is a little bit of a picky eater. When she was in her first year of life she often had stomach problems and had a gluten intolerance. We are thankful she has outgrown that sensitivity. Foods that she liked a year or two ago she no longer enjoys. Her favorite foods are tacos (heavy on the refried beans, light on the meat), my homemade baked macaroni and cheese with stewed tomatoes from our garden, and lasagne. She doesn’t like most cheese, most yogurt, bacon, and most sandwiches. It’s not uncommon to hear her say, “I’m not hungry” before most meals. She also has an almond allergy where her face and eyes get red and she looks like she has pink eye. The good news is that she loves iced coffee and her favorite cream is the Cold Stone Creamery creamer. 

Maggie is a sensitive child. She doesn’t like anything scary and feels deeply the injustices she learns about in school and life. She will be the first to cry during sad and emotional parts in movies. One of her favorite movies she watched this year was “I Still Believe”, even though it made her cry really hard. 

It’s been very special to see Maggie take part in a weekly Zoom Bible Study she was invited to by her penpal from Hawaii/Tennessee. 

Maggie struggles with being quick to anger and letting a short temper get the best of her. It’s something I also wrestled with for many years so it’s hard to see her go through similar frustrations. I believe God will help her overcome just as He did for me. 

Maggie can be so very very sweet, kind, and generous to her little sisters. She is patient with them and loves to help Heidi. 

She was born tiny and is still very small for her age. She seems to have accepted the fact that she will likely be short forever. Caroline is 3.5 years younger than her and she is catching up to her in height. I often remind Maggie that many people in our family are short, that my younger sister got taller than me, and that your size doesn’t determine your worth. Ten years of hearing those phrases seem to have finally sunk in. 

Maggie loved her day at Clyde Peeling’s Repiland for her special day with her daddy. 

This is her year to have a birthday party and I’m thankful she agreed to have a combined celebration with Ruth for her 5th (back in April) and Heidi’s 1-year-home. 

Magdalena has a surgery coming up in October to remove her tonsils and adenoids. We’re hopeful this will help her sleep better and, in turn, be happier during the day. Her sleep study revealed a pause in breathing about 8 times per hour and it was clear that her tonsils are obstructing her ability to breathe well as she sleeps. 

Happy tenth birthday, Maggie! We are so grateful for your life! 

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