Friday, January 2, 2015

2015: The Year of Love

For the last number of years our family has decided to dedicate the year with a word and look to that word throughout the year. 2014 was the Year of Joy, and 2013 was the Year of Rejuvenation. Each of those years lived up to their names. This year after much discussion (the girls really enjoy discussions and being a part of grown-up decision making) we settled on the Year of Love. The girls wrote and colored a large poster with the words "2015 THE YEAR OF LOVE" which is proudly hanging in our school room.

Throughout this year we will be looking for ways to love each other as a family, more. And we will be looking for tangible ways to love our neighbors, our community and our church family. It has been awesome to be able to remind the girls of ways that we show love to sisters. Is it showing love to your sister when you say unkind words? Is it loving to take something from her? Is it loving to help with chores? We had really been working on the girls loving each other, in word and deed. This morning they wanted to know ways that they can show Mama that they love her.

Sometimes I forget that my children are as young as they are. Seven, five, four, and one. It's really not that old. I forget that they need to be taught ways to show love. Some ways that we came up with together to show love to Mama *that's me!* are: 1. hugging and kissing, 2. saying the words, "I love you". 3. Obeying the first time I ask (this might be my FAVORITE way they can show me love) 4. Helping with chores and doing extra things around the house with out me asking, 5. Being kind and loving to one another.

Like all people and all families, we are not perfect. Some days I am grumpy and I yell too much. Other days are smooth sailing and everyone is cheerful and kind and loving. I am continually trying to remind myself to allow myself (especially on the harder days) to intentionally find those joy-filled moments. Because they ARE there, even on the hard days. Often it's just me removing my emotions from the situation that can make the whole day better. Just because some days I don't get enough sleep doesn't give me the right to snap at the children for things that normally wouldn't upset me at all. So when I can, with the Lord's strength, let go of my feelings, our days tend to go better.

We have had a glorious two weeks off for Christmas and New Year's. It's back to school for the girls (and teacher) on Monday. I have loved the sleeping in, the ultra relaxing mornings, the lazy afternoons. It's perfect that this vacation has coincided with my self-appointed break from taking custom orders for my painting business. My creativity is returning and I'm feeling inspired again by words that the Lord has been bringing to me. I'm getting excited to gear up for a new year with Mama Hess Painting.

I do try to think of and list out some goals for the year then refer to it from time to time to see how I'm doing. So here it goes:

For myself:
Personal Goals -
1. complete another Bible Study at Change of Pace South
2. read through the Bible in a year
3. continue nightly prayer/devotions with Trent
4. drink less coffee (just kidding! I was just checking to see if you were paying attention)
5. run a 5k (not kidding.... now it's on here, I have to do it)
6. find LOVE all around me

Business Goals-
1. create beautiful paintings
2. inspire and encourage others through my work
3. create something NEW and not just what "everyone else is doing"

For Anne:
1. encourage healthy eating and exercise
2. continue piano lessons
3. figure out a good inhaler/ or something to help with her asthma so that #1 can be accomplished
4. teach her to be a strong young lady, not someone who will follow the crowd

For Abbey:
1. she wants to run a race this year
2. continue piano lessons
3. encourage kind and loving words
4. teach her to be strong, yet gentle and compassionate at the same time

For Maggie:
1. encourage her newly found love of mathematics
2. she would like to start reading this year
3. try to help her work through her anger when she is tired
4. help her to continue to be strong and loving

For Caroline:
1. help her learn to walk this year
2. and say a few words
3. love on her like crazy
4. try not to spoil her terribly

There you have it, folks. The hubs and I are heading out tonight for a fancy dinner with the crew from his office. I'm looking forward to a night full of adults (although I imagine I'll end up talking about my children for part of the time... Isn't that funny how that works?)

I wish you all a happy and healthy New Year. Cheers to 2015 and the great things the Lord has in store for us. I'm continually grateful for each new day as it unfolds before my eyes. I honestly believe that each day is a gift. We have a lot of choice in how the day turns out. As I told one of the girls who wasn't very interested in hiking with us one day this past fall, "You can choose to have a stinky attitude and have a stinky time, or you can choose to have a positive attitude and have a good time. But either way we are taking this hike, and I plan to enjoy it." She trailed behind for a moment or two, clearly considering her options. The next thing we knew she sprinted past us laughing. Isn't that the best? So often we have the choice. What do you choose for 2015?

We (the Hesses) choose Joy.