Thursday, March 17, 2022

Three Months with Hans

My little buddy is 3 months old today. 

He is still a sweet snuggler. He loves to be held throughout the day. He’s getting a little better at being set down in the swing or in his bouncy seat where he’ll bat at his toys and be contented there for a few minutes. But he definitely prefers to be held. Thankfully there’s no shortage of arms to hold him.

Hans started sleeping through the night at about 2.5 months so the past 2 weeks have been very nice. He still is up sometimes but only for about an hour then he’s back to sleep. Just this week I moved him to his crib in his room overnight because he fills up the bassinet from nearly head to foot he’s so tall! The first night he was awake several times but the second night he slept all night. 

This is the face he made when he saw me after sleeping all night. Isn’t he so sweet and handsome?

He really is such a content little guy. He outgrew his 0-3 month clothes so I’ve already moved him to 3-6 month outfits. He now weighs about 12 pounds and is about 23.75 inches tall.

Growing is hard work!

Ruth took this photo of me playing with Heidi while holding Hans. I love how it is an accurate representation of where we’re at right now. Babies, messy top knots, comfy leggings, tired eyes and smiles. This was in between giving spelling lessons. 

The days are jam packed but also somehow slow. We’ve dialed back on therapies and appointments and it feels really good. 

Hans will for sure have a different childhood and experiences from his older sisters but we believe it will shape him into the man God wants him to become. 

I have great hope for the bond between Heidi and Hans. She’s always ready with a pacifier for Hans as she finds it very upsetting to hear him cry. She’s not always as gentle as I would like so I’m glad he’s growing into a big boy!

Looking forward to seeing Hans grow another month. God is gracious.