Tuesday, January 18, 2022

One Month with Hans

Time has a funny way of marching along and here we are with Hans already one month old. 

I’ve learned a bit in my 14 years of parenting, and one thing is sure, I definitely don’t remember all the things I thought I would remember about my kids when they were babies. 

So here’s a few things about Hans this month:
-he mostly sleeps. In my experience, preemies tend to be very sleepy until a little after their due date. We’re looking forward to more awake time next month

-Hans sleeps best when being held, the hazard of being the youngest of 7, I presume. This is a non-issuer during the day, but makes for some long nights at times. 

-Hans likes to eat. A lot. All the time. He also spits up a lot because he just doesn’t know when to quit. He gained over 3 pounds this month. He came home at 5 lbs, 12 oz, and currently weighs about 9 pounds. He has also grown 1.5”, making him 21.5” tall. 

-Night time routine currently is: eat from about 9:30-10:30. Wake up at 12:50 to eat. Usually goes back to sleep in the basinet well around 1:50. Wake at 3:10 or so to eat. This is often the time he does not want to be laid back down in the basinet. Sometimes he does ok, other times Trent will get up with him and sit to hold him for a couple hours so I can get some sleep from about 4-6. He eats around 6:00 or 6:30 and I usually fall asleep during this feeding. I go downstairs around 7:30 to start my morning. 

- Hans pooped through his diaper onto Ruth’s lap. Definitely a memorable moment that Ruth will have for a long time! Lots of clothes needed changed. She took it like a champ, and maybe even felt a little special. 

-Hans has met many family, friends, and been to church 3 Sundays. 

We are having so much fun with a newborn in the house again! It’s just like riding a bike, I think. 

One thing I’m asked the most is “how does it feel to have a boy”. I would say at this point he’s not much different from the girls, other than the obvious anatomy difference. Maybe ask me again when he’s busy getting into everything and making mayhem. 

Most likely Hans is our last baby so I’m truly cherishing these moments while he loves to be snuggled while simultaneously feeling excited to see who he becomes as he grows. 

My sister took this stunning photo that I will always cherish. Plus it’s much lovelier than what I look like on a regular day!