Monday, March 25, 2019

Funding Update

Our precious family and friends. We have said many times how overwhelmed we are by the support we have received for Sister Six's adoption. 

Big Helpers during set-up
When we found out just a week or so before our fundraising event that we wouldn't be able to do a raffle and would need to switch it to a silent auction to keep it a legal activity in our state, I was very nervous to tell the people who extended their generosity to us in advance. All the friends were gracious and understanding of the predicament we found ourselves in. 

Now for the real news you've been waiting for! Our Coffee, Cocoa, and Dessert Fundraiser and Silent Auction raised just over $5,000!

So many lovely items donated!

We had applied for two grants and were shocked to find out this month that between the two we received $10,000. Between the grants, the fundraiser, previous fundraising events, and our personal savings our adoption is FULLY FUNDED! 

Look at all these yummy desserts!

I don't know how to express our gratitude other than a simple, "Thank you."

I was so proud of these three for going outside their comfort zone (for some of them) and teaching a few Chinese words.

So many of you have been involved and dedicated to help bring home our little girl. From the people who made desserts, the ones who donated items for our silent auction, the many people who bid (whether they won the item or not!), the people who helped set up and clean up after the event. Truly, it was something beautiful for God, and we are honored to be a small part of his plan.

Now we persevere through the most difficult part of this side of the adoption process, and that it to wait to be matched. Please pray for us to have patience and to trust in the Lord's timing to bring the girl meant to be our daughter at just the right time. We can't thank you all enough! 

1 comment:

  1. God is good and loves the little children we will continue to pray xooxoxoxo
