Trent, Diane, and my mom all met at our house. They took care of everything! Then my mom came to see me at the hospital. Trent arrived soon after my mom did. After a while a nurse came and helped me to get out of bed and I was able to be wheeled over to the NICU. Let me just say that I had amazing recoveries after Anne and Abbey. With the C-section I had staples and I felt like I couldn't stand up straight. I was quite literally pulled together and stapled shut. This is not something I want to do again any time soon.
Everything about the NICU was amazing. The nurses were fantastic and helpful and encouraging. The doctors were all friendly and honest. The parent lounge is set up very nicely so that parents can hang out throughout the day and even stay the night if they want to.
Magdalena spent 6 days in the NICU. Everything sort of blurred together, but we got into a bit of routine between handwashing when you enter, signing in, then going to her "pod", taking her temperature, changing her diaper, and when her feeding tube and oxygen came off I was able to take her out of the special bed by myself and get set up for breastfeeding.
I think it was day 3 or 4 that I started getting a headache. I thought it would just go away but it didn't. It got really bad when I was feeding Magdalena and had to go back to my room to lie down. That seemed to help. When I told the nurse she said it sounded like a spinal headache, and sent the anesthesiologist over to talk to me. Of course it was a spinal headache. I had 2 options: wait it out (they usually last about a week) and take percoset/ibuprofin and drink a lot of caffeine; or do a "blood patch" where they draw blood from your arm and put it into your spine. HA! Yeah right. I decided to wait it out. It was difficult, and I actually even went home for a little bit (I was discharged at this point already). After getting some good sleep in my own bed and drinking as much water and caffeine as possible I felt a lot better. I went back in to the hospital and stayed the night in the NICU. The next day was when Magdalena was to be discharged! The NICU closes while doctors make their rounds, so Trent and I went out for breakfast. It'll probably be the last time just the two of us go out for quite a while! When we got back we were able to pick up our sweet Magdalena and go home!!
Anne and Abbey were very excited. I was a bit nervous about the transition, but there was none. We brought her home and sat the carseat on the living room floor.
About my C-Section. I should clarify that the cut they did on the outside is the "bikini cut", the incision on my uterus is the "classical cut". The doctor who did my surgery explained that this had to be done because of the position Magdalena was in. She was feet first. Normally when the baby is either head or bottom first this stretches the uterus to make it wide. They can then do a horizontal incision and pull the baby out that way. Since she was feet first my uterus was not stretched wide enough to make a large enough incision to remove her, so he had to do a vertical incision. This is why any baby has to be a C-section after this. With the classical incision the chance of your uterus rupturing during labor and/or delivery is very high. The classical incision is not as strong as the bikini cut, and the stress of the contractions and pushing is often too much for the uterus to handle. He told me that no doctor would consider allowing me to labor again.
What does this mean for our future? We don't know. I hear stories of women having 7 C-Sections, but I can guarantee that will not be me. Some people say it depends on scar tissue, and on how your body heals. The general rule of thumb is 3 C-sections, which means we would have 2 more biological children. Many of you who know us well also know that we want to adopt at some point in our future. We really struggled as to when that would be since we were quite happy having biological children. However, the more I thought about this I felt that perhaps was the Lord's way of slowly closing the door on having biological children and slowly opening the door to adoption. We are praying about biological children, adopted children, and our home situation. We do love our home, but are questioning how long we should be here? 2 years? 5 years? We know that God will show us the way, but God has such a different idea about timing than I do! I just like to KNOW things in advance. If I know we will be here for 5 more years I feel like I want to prepare myself for that. And if we will only be here 2 more years I would want to prepare myself differently for that! And this is why I'm thankful for such a grounded, level-headed husband who can talk sense into me!
All I know is that all the difficulty is worth it in the end...