Sunday, August 22, 2010: Trent preached a great sermon. After lunch and naps we went to Lancaster County Central Park to hike around a bit. Life was "normal". (Yes, Elmo is wearing a diaper... It's bad enough diapering kids but my kids make me diaper Elmo!)

Tuesday, August 24, 2010: 8:15 a.m. I dropped Annie and Abbey off at my mom's house while I went to a check up at MFM.
8:45 a.m.: I arrive for my appointment and get checked in. My Non-Stress Test is scheduled first. The nurse, Lindsay, got me hooked up to the monitor and I read a magazine while I waited the 20-odd minutes that it takes. Lindsay came to check on me a couple of times. I could tell by her face that she wasn't thrilled about what the monitor was showing (several drops in the baby's heart rate). She asked if I had a date scheduled yet for a C-Section, and I said, "No, we were hoping to wait until 38 weeks." I was 36 weeks and 6 days at this point. I also didn't have an ultrasound scheduled for that day, so she went out and talked to the doctor and they fitted me in as soon as they could after the NST.
9:30 a.m.: The sweet ultrasound tech came to do my ultrasound. When she checked the fluid level around the baby I could tell (even though she didn't say anything) that there wasn't much. There was no measuring done this day, so the ultrasound didn't take very long.
10:00 a.m.: The "mean" doctor came in the room. He looked through the slides that the tech had taken of the baby. He looked very closely at the fluid level, then he measured it himself, several times. He then went in and did a doppler of the baby's brain. This is one thing that they do that I'm never quite sure of what they are looking for, so I wasn't sure what he was seeing (and he doesn't like to talk while he does these things). When he was finished he said something like, "Well, there is very low fluid around the baby (4 c.m. when they like to see at least 8 or more), and there is shunting in the brain. The baby was also showing a dropping heart rate on the NST. We're going to send you downstairs for an emergency C-Section since the baby is still breech. I'll have Lindsay and Jackie get you ready to go downstairs." I said, "Can I call my husband?" He said to go ahead out to the waiting room to make any phone calls and I never saw him again.
10:15 a.m.: I called Trent's direct line at work and he didn't answer. I called the receptionist and was trying not to cry as I told her who it was and can I talk to Trent. I asked Trent to leave work because they want the baby to be born ASAP. I also called my mom to tell her and make sure she would be okay with the girls the rest of the day. She didn't answer so I had to leave a voicemail! Ugh!! What a way to tell someone such big news!
The next couple hours were quite strange. Trent arrived shortly (his office is just a 15 minute drive), and we waited to get checked-in. We weren't sure of how serious the 'shunting' was and it seemed like it took forever to get officially admitted. The women behind the desk were just laughing at how it was taking so long because they needed to figure out how to enter my information into the computer for billing purposes. I was frustrated at this entire procedure.
From here we were sent back to Triage and were hooked up to monitors to wait. Every couple minutes people would come in and ask me questions (how tall are you? how much do you weigh? do you have any allergies?) I thought if one more person asked if I had any allergies I would go nuts! We also met with the anesthesiologist and the doctor who would do my Cesarean. My only concern was that we wanted to have more children and can the doctor be sure to do the horizontal cut. He said they nearly always do what they call the "bikini cut" and not to worry. Now we just had to wait for our time slot to open up. They were fitting us between 2 other C-Sections, and we were going to go to surgery around 1:00.
Throughout our waiting period I felt an overwhelming sense of peace. I felt rested in the peace that God was with me and watching over me. As odd as it sounds, I was worried about the 1/2 bushels of pears that were sitting on the counter at home ripening, and thinking how I wouldn't be able to can them as planned.
1:00 p.m.: I was wheeled back to surgery. While they did the spinal block Trent was not allowed in the room with me. He kissed me and I went back into a huge room filled with people but all by myself. Let me just say now, I don't mind shots, and I don't mind needles. However, when that needle is going into my back I just don't do well. Unfortunately, they had a difficult time getting the spinal block in just the right spot. At one point the woman hit a nerve, causing a painful jump in my left leg (twice). Then she moved the needle and hit another nerve causing my right leg to jump. At this point I lost it and was shaking and crying and a real mess. They had to completely stop and get me calmed down. I was praying SO hard at this point. Once I was calm they tried again, this time with immediate success. You could almost hear everyone breathe a sigh of relief.
I'm not sure how long all of this took, but soon Trent was in the room and by my side. There was all sorts of medical personnel working busily. I won't go into detail about the procedure, but it was a very odd one. Although my body was numb I could feel tugging and other odd sensations that would have been extremely painful had I not been numb. When it came time to open my uterus, the doctor leaned over the drape and said, "I had to do the classical cut. All babies after this are C-section. I'll talk to you more about it later." I could feel tears start streaming down my face, and the nurse who was watching over me wiped them away. Soon they were getting ready to pull out our baby. They asked Trent if he wanted to watch (yeah right!). He squeezed my hand as we prepared to meet our new baby, not knowing if it was a boy or a girl, if he or she would have any problems (physical or otherwise). Trent hadn't decided on a boy name until he was IN the Operating Room.
1:47 p.m.: The doctor pulled out the baby and said, "It's a girl!" Trent and I started laughing. The doctor asked if she has any older brothers or sisters at home. Trent said, "Two big sisters!" And the doctor said, "Oh, how old are they?" Trent replied, "2 and 1." The doctor asked what we were thinking, and Trent said, "I don't think there was much thinking involved."
Unfortunately, we didn't have a camera with us because it all happened so suddenly. There was a NICU doctor there that checked out baby Magdalena, and he said she looked great. She was pink and crying and beautiful with a head full of dark hair. Magdalena Faith Hess weighed in at 4 lbs. 10 oz. and was just 17 1/4 inches long.
When I was in recovery the nurse noticed her making a grunting noise. She said it sounded like fluid in her lungs. As I was sent over to my regular room the nurse took her to the nursery to check her out. They wanted to send her over to the NICU, and so I was able to kiss her and then she was gone. The first pictures we have of her are from much later that evening:
Wow ... what a story. I've heard parts of it from you, but reading it all in one sitting like that was powerful. I was crying with you, Emily. Can't imagine how much of a whirlwind/rollercoaster ride your poor mind, body, and emotions have been on over the last several months. I'm thankful that God's peace was so evident in the midst of it all ... and you have an amazingly beautiful little girl added to your family now - even if the 'plans' you'd been making to have a larger family are being adjusted, I'm confident that God knows the desires of your heart and He will make the way known to you. =) We love you guys!
ReplyDelete~ Laura & Stu
Congrats on Magdalena! She's lovely, and I hope that you have both healed well.
ReplyDeleteAlso, *hugs*
I had a not-so-fun c-section either, and just had my second daughter by VBAC at home! It can be done.
(BTW, I'm a friend of Brenda Boitson's. :))