Saturday, October 12, 2013

A Turn of Events

At my 20 week ultrasound we saw an awesome baby in the 43rd percentile. The Maternal-Fetal specialist doctors said we couldn't have a more perfect looking baby. Because of my history of Intra-Uterine Growth Restriction (IUGR) with Magdalena they recommended we come back in another 6 weeks just to be on the safe side.

Last week I headed into my ultrasound appointment excited for another peek at our cutie. I saw this amazing baby, so perfect with it's little heart thumping away. The tech gave our baby an estimated weight of 1 pound 10 ounces which sounded great to me! After the routine check the ultrasound tech said that one of the two doctors will be in to chat with me shortly.

The doctor kindly informed me that unfortunately our baby has dropped to about the 12th percentile. I was very shocked and very disappointed. Not crushed. Not devastated. I now have to go back every 2 1/2 weeks for ultrasounds to check on baby's growth.

The doctor suggested that I add about 250-500 calories to my diet. I have added about 350 by drinking Ensure boost (I really feel like an old person), but I'm willing to do it for baby. The bummer is that the doctor said it may not even help, but it is worth a shot.

At this point they have no idea why the baby would drop so drastically in percentile. We already knew the baby would be on the smaller side since the baby will be delivered around 36 weeks. Our prayer for baby is similar to our pray for Magdalena, "Grow, grow, grow!"

As strange as it may sound, I am grateful for my experience with Magdalena because so much of my pregnancy with her was spent in fear of the unknown. Since she came through the pregnancy and delivery small but mostly healthy I am not fearful for this baby. More than anything the thought of all the extra appointments just makes me feel tired.

I am remaining optimistic and joyful despite the small size of the baby and the fact that the baby is breech (another wild one?). We were prepared for the fact that we will be having another C-Section so that also takes away a lot of the fear that I had in preparation for Maggie's birth. All in all, I am grateful for the opportunity to carry another child and am trusting God in all circumstances.

1 comment:

  1. I was thinking of you and your "December Baby" this afternoon. I'll make sure to be praying for you whenever you come to mind!
