Eight years of marriage. I am grateful to God for each day, each moment, of these eight years.
This past year Trent and I have been to funerals of people we believe died too young. People in the midst of raising their families. People who could be us.
Through the tears during the funerals and after, we think of their loved ones left behind. Left to carry on in the midst of their pain. To raise their families without the support of their spouse, but with the help of God.
I imagine myself in their shoes. What if something were to happen as unexpectedly as these deaths occurred to my dear Trent? Would there be anything I would do differently with the time we have?
Both Trent and I realize how precious life is.
James 4:14 says, "Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life?
You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes."
I don't intend for this post to sound sad and morbid, but this is something that needs to be thought about, if only to remind us to celebrate the little moments. So we celebrate the little things, a child loosing a first tooth, a girl learning to read, a chubby hand writing her name all wobbly, each smile, each hug, each whispered and exhausted "good night". Because this is life. As each of these small moments pile on top of each other, always stacking higher and higher, they create this beautiful, precious life. Eight years of moments. Is there pain in the midst of these moments? Of course! A frustrated word, an irritated look. But those are followed with forgiveness, with love, acceptance, sometimes tears. And always, always, the love of God in the midst of all we do.
So today as we celebrate eight years, we are grateful. Grateful for each of these tiny moments stacking ever higher. Giving praise to God for the beauty of life He has blessed us with. We strive to find beauty in each day, as exhausting as it may be. Because whenever our time comes to meet our Lord, we want to have said we lived a life of no regrets.
No regrets. Only love.