Monday, November 6, 2017

Anne is Ten!

My firstborn daughter is ten!

Anne has grown from a wild child....

(1-year old Anne at the cabin)

To a calmer 5-year-old...

(Anne at age 5)

To a responsible ten-year old!

(Anne, age 10)

Much has changed in Anne’s ten years. She was an incredibly challenging child from about 1-3 years old. Very ornery, would talk back, always had excuses for her negative behavior, very wild and rambunctious. 

Age four seemed to be her turning point. She gained self-control and a sense of discipline. 

Now, at age ten (while certainly not perfect) she truly is a delight. Anne is very helpful in our big family. She especially enjoys the littlest sisters and helping to care for them. 

Anne is an amazing student. She is self-motivated to get her work done in a timely fashion. 

Things Anne loves:
Horses! (This is one aspect of her life that has never wavered since the time she could talk)
Reading voraciously 
Sewing and cross stitching 
The color blue
Riding bike
Playing softball 
Finding frogs
Catching small rodents in our window wells
Finding slugs
Drawing (horses)
Playing outside
Climbing trees
Playing piano
Sunday School with the two best teachers ever (Marty & Janice! She appreciates both of your styles)
Making up games
The comics 
Board games
Reading about horses
Attempting to argue the merits of horse-ownership 
Most foods but NOT carrots 
Have I mentioned horses?

Every year, Trent takes the birthday girl out for lunch and to do something special.

 As turning ten is a big deal, we wanted this year to be extra special and memorable. 

The thing that made the most sense was to take Anne on her first ever trail ride and first independent riding. 

We found a stable in Maryland (just 45 minutes away) that offers trail rides. 

Needless to say, she was thrilled! (Anne on Whitney, Trent on Skipper, who loves to eat)

They took an hour trail ride, mainly through woods. 

Anne was very comfortable on her horse, Whitney. She has read so many books about horses and knew just what to do. 

(Horse shirt from grandpa and grandma Hess)

She had a wonderful time with her dad. I’m confident it will be a day she holds precious in her memories. Unfortunately this has further fueled her desire to have one of her own. 

Since we are a big family, we do not do birthday parties every year for our kids. We typically have small celebrations with just our kids, sometimes with a special meal including my mom (Mema), and a special meal that Trent’s mom prepares for our Wednesday together. Birthday gifts are generally small (1 book, 1 movie, 1 fun thing).

But on “special years” we go all out. So far those are first birthday, fifth birthday and 10th birthday. 

This year we surprised Anne with a 26” mountain bike. All our bikes have been yard sale or craigslist finds, so a new from the store bike was super special. 

While she certainly can still be silly.....

Riding with no hands!

She is also becoming a sweet young lady. 

While I sometimes wish she would be a little less of a mama hen (as certain younger sisters resent her “helpful instruction” aka “bossiness”), I know that she will one day make a most excellent wife and mother. 

She does take her faith seriously. She has asked a lot about baptism recently and we are attempting to guide her to make a mature decision in the future. Anne is usually quick to forgive and ask forgiveness. She understands there are things about herself that she is working to change. One of the things I love most about Anne is her willingness to attempt to change. It’s not easy for any of us to admit weakness, yet she accepts her failings with humility and grace and makes concerted efforts to change. 

As the oldest, she has to put up with my failings as a mother. Every age she goes through is the first time I’ve parented her particular age. She bears the brunt of my parenting errors and I can only pray it will make her a most compassionate mother herself one day. 

So happy birthday to the first ten-year-old I will raise. We love you, Anne-girl and look forward to your big, cowboy themed party next weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Perfect day for her with Trent, she is a lucky lady to be the oldest, she was thoughtful of others at an early age, enjoy your day and have a wonderful party. xoxxoox Love you Gpa and Nana xoxoxo
