Monday, April 9, 2018

April -Generosity

The month of April we stepped away from purchasing items for worthy non-profits and instead volunteered our time. 

I’m so glad a friend of mine (thanks, Jen!) told me about Feed My Starving Children  FMSC does food packaging of high nutrient food (Vitamins, Soy, Dried Vegetables, and Rice) at various sites throughout the US. The food that volunteers package is sent to many countries throughout the world and quite literally saves the lives of starving children. 

Abbey was very overcome by a photo of a Haitian girl who was starving; ribs sticking out, distended belly, sunken eyes. The next photo showed her after 8 months of daily nutrition from Feed My Starving Children. The girl is round faced, smiling, and (as Abbey said) adorable. In other words, healthy. 

The day was really enjoyable. It’s recommended kids 5 and up help. My mom came with the three oldest girls and me. I’m definitely glad my mom was there as it was helpful to have an adult with both Abbey and Maggie. 

This was while we were waiting for our instructions. 

Abbey sealed all the bags of food that our side of the table packaged. I held the bag still and she pressed and held the heat sealer. It got tiring after nearly 2 hours but she hung in there. 

Maggie and my mom worked together on the other half of the table. 

She also did a great job. Maggie is a hard worker and having my mom to encourage her was really special. 

Anne’s job was to weigh each bag after the ingredients were added to make sure they were between 380 and 400 grams. 

They were all tired and ready to sit down after their morning of work. This is definitely something I would like to do every year. It was so encouraging to see some friends there, as well as youth groups, and families. I’m going to try to engage my competitive nieces and nephews to join us next year to see how many boxes we can fill. Our group filled 20 boxes, each box contains 36 bags of food, so we did a total of 720 meals. 

At the end of our packing time the organizers shared that we packed enough food to feed 84 children for an entire year. It was a memorable experience for all of us. 

Feed My Starving Children

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