Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Hans is Five Months

My little buddy is five months old. 

He is a joy and delight to our hearts. 

I turned 37 a month after Hans was born. It’s been eight years since we had a newborn in the house. Having one again is making me feel so many things. 

It’s been unbelievably precious to have the honor to hold this little man. When I was a younger mom I felt all the pressure for my kids to exceed every milestone. I felt all the judgement (likely mostly in my head) if my kids weren’t on top of all their skills. Being an older mom, and a mom of children with special needs, has shown me that those things don’t really matter all that much.

There was an article that just came out on Vox giving alllllll the reasons why women can’t breastfeed. It dedicated an entire section on the amount of time it takes. Their goal was to say “who really has time for this?” But I say, what better way can a mother show deep love for her child than by allowing her own body to nourish him? What a gift to hold my son for countless hours during his first year of life to gift him food, comfort, love, and to bond in a beautiful way. Maybe I feel it more deeply after missing out on the first 2+ years of my fifth and sixth daughters lives. The healthy emotional attachment that babies gain from nursing is irreplaceable. 

Now, some highlights from the past month!

We had a wonderful Easter celebration! Look at all these cousins who get to grow up together. Hans is the youngest of 20+ cousins. 

My sister, Stacy, took this adorable photo!

Hans found his thumb and is loving it. He rejected the pacifier for a few weeks in favor of the thumb, but now goes back and forth. 

Hans is a drooly, drooly baby! He goes through so many bibs that I would rather spend money on cute and functional bibs than clothes since no one ever sees his shirts (unless I’m changing bibs)! 

Love making my guy laugh!

He sleeps half swaddled so the thumb can comfort him through the night. He’s also a spitter which is why I have the blanket under his head to sleep. 

Hans is the master cat napper. I can already see him as a dad and grandpa gently dozing on his chair to “rest his eyes”. 

Mr. Blue Eyes! So handsome!

Ah! Both of my Mr. Blue Eyes. Love these guys. 

Hans is now rolling over from his belly to his back. He is getting close to rolling from his back to belly also. He still doesn’t prefer being on his belly but it’s good exercise for him. 

Hans is about 26” and 13.5 pounds. He’s definitely still happiest to nap when he’s held. Ruth loves to hold him - most of my pictures seem to be of the two of them. 

Hans & Magdalena. 

Haha! Snake on a baby tradition continues!!

We love you so much, little man! Happy 5 months. 

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