Magdalena got a clean bill of health at her latest well-child check-up! She weighs 14 pounds, 14 ounces, and was 27 inches long. In both height and weight she is in the 5-10th percentile. Just a fun little tid-bit, she weighs 2 ounces more than Abbey did at 9 months, and is the same length as Abbey! It looks like our little peanut will catch up to Miss Abigail before too long!
Our doctor recommended that we begin Maggie on some grains, and to try rice first. I don't know why I didn't listen!! I was so eager for her to be able to feed herself that I went and bought some wheat-free organic baby "cookies" so that I could have a little break during meal times. She LOVED them. I gave her 2 at lunch yesterday and 1 at dinner. And guess what? She was up almost all night crying.
It looks like big sisters will get to enjoy those little goodies instead of Baby. Even though the cookies are wheat-free, they are not gluten-free. I'm not going to introduce anything else this week, in order to make sure the gluten is completely out of her system before I try the rice cereal. I'm looking into purchasing some gluten-free baby puffs. Unfortunately, my grocery store doesn't sell the gluten-free, so I would have to order them online. The only problem with this is that you have to purchase a whole case, and if they upset her stomach I just wasted money....
Abbey is insistent upon wearing panties. Yesterday she wet herself every time all morning long, even if I had just sat her on the potty. However, after nap we tried again and she had success on the potty!! It was very exciting. This morning she went pee on the potty before we went to the playground. While we were at the playground for quite a while she was swinging and told me she needed to go!! So, I hustled over there with her and Maggie in the Snugli and she went again! Unfortunately, I think she was so excited that she didn't go the full amount, and she wet herself soon after we got home. But still, it was a great improvement, and I am seeing a glimmer of hope!
Well, that's all I have time for right now.
Enjoy a picture from my older sister, Stacy's wedding.

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