My little Abbey turned 3!! We had her to the doctor yesterday. She weighs a whopping 23 pounds and was 36 inches tall. That puts Abbey in the 1% for her weight and the 25th% for her height. Our doctor asked if I was always small like I am now. I pretty much always was, and Trent is also very thin, so he was not concerned. He said that he did want to make us aware that if we are interested she could go to Hershey to have growth hormone shots. He said he doesn't really recommend it but he makes his patients aware of the option because he has had some people get very upset that they didn't know this was an option. I love each of my children just the way they are, and at this point in time, Abbey is small and that is just a part of who she is, and we love her just the way she is and wouldn't change her!
Abbey has learned a lot in the past year. She is excellent at memorizing and has memorized quite a bit of Scripture. We are also working on writing her name. I made the mistake of teaching Anne to write her name using all capital letters since they are easier to write. Now I am finding myself trying to re-teach her to write her name using the appropriate letters. To make things simpler on myself I am teaching Abbey the correct way to write her name. She can write "A-b-b..." but struggles with the lowercase e, but can sometimes do the y.
She obviously loves Annie, and when asked who her best friend is she answers, "Annie!" without hesitation. Recently Abbey and Magdalena have become great chums. Sometimes Maggie is the first awake from naps and when I ask her who she wants to wake up first she answers, "Abbey!" Just last night Abbey and Maggie were hugging each other so tight they would fall over onto the floor and roll around laughing. They would get up and do it again. If Abbey is crying, Maggie will go over to her and hug her and comfort her.
It is a lot of fun for me to see the children getting along so well. Of course, this isn't always the case, but in general our girls get along great.
We are thankful to have a good prescription for Abbey. At her last check-up she was seeing 20-20. Sometimes when we put her glasses on her in the morning she will say, "There! Now I can see better!"
Abbey continues to enjoy puzzles. She also enjoys books, and owls. Her most recent obsession is picking flowers.

Abbey lives up to her name and brings joy into our home. We are so thankful for this little sweetie!
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