Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Magdalena turns Three!!

First, let me start out by saying that yes, I realize this post is almost three weeks after her third birthday. I won't justify myself by saying how busy I have been, because, in general, I believe that we make time for the things that are most important to us. I hate to admit it, but I have a soft spot for novels, specifically love stories. Recently reading novels has been my form of relaxing after a morning of homeschooling, painting, and general household chores. So there, I've made my excuses, now you can hear all about Maggie!

As many of you recall, Magdalena was my littlest baby at 4 pounds, 10 ounces and just 17 inches long. She made her way into this world tiny, but strong. After a week stay in the NICU she grew nice and chubby and hasn't stopped yet.

Magdalena LOVES to talk. She is constantly talking to her sisters, to her baby dolls, and to the little people that go with our dollhouse. She loves sharing a bed with her two big sisters. If one of the girls is out of control at bedtime it is usually Maggie. If we hear voices in the room it is generally Magdalena's squeaky voice. She loves to tell her big sisters stories after Trent and I go out of their room.

Maggie is a constant source of joy in our lives. My difficult pregnancy with her led us unsure of what to believe her quality of life would be. She has proved to us that her quality of life will be JOY.

As I type out this post I happened to glance at a handful of pears sitting on the counter. Three years ago as I was being wheeled down into the waiting area for surgery all I could think of was the bushel of pears ripening on my counter top. I am extremely thankful to be on this side of that journey, with a happy, healthy daughter, and Maggie's constant chatter to bring so much light to our home.

Maggie also loves babies. She was the biggest advocate for us having another baby "that we can keep" after our foster son left us. Of all the girls, Maggie was the closest to our foster son. Maggie is really hoping for a baby brother, but is coming to terms with the fact that a sister would be nice, too.

Just last week Maggie had her three-year well-child check up. She is 28 pounds (in the 20th percentile) and 36.5 inches tall (in the 30th percentile). We find this absolutely fantastic, as she has been around the 5th% or less for most of her life.

This is how she holds up "3" fingers!

And just for fun - a size comparison of the girls at age three:
Anne: 39.5 inches tall and 29 pounds
Abbey: 36 inches tall and 23 pounds
Maggie: 36.5 inches tall and 28 pounds.


Special thanks to my sister, Audrey, for capturing Maggie's love of life in these pictures!!

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