Monday, March 12, 2018

February Generosity

During the month of February, the month of love, we focused our giving on something our family highly values. Life. The life of children in particular.

Jeremiah 1:5 "I knew you before I formed you in your mother's womb. Before you were born I set you apart."

I hear many liberals argue that conservatives say they are pro-life, but don't back it up with money or actions. While liberals may not know many other liberals who are standing for up for the lives of children, I know too many people to count who do back their beliefs up with actions and money. So be encouraged, there are many, many people who are living out their faith!

Our family has been a foster family for children in our community, we have now adopted internationally, and we continue to stand up for the ones who have no voice. In honor of our greatest treasures we chose to give for the month of February to Susquehanna Valley Pregnancy Services.

"Susquehanna Valley Pregnancy Services is a gospel-sharing life-affirming ministry that serves women, men, and teens through sexual integrity education, unplanned pregnancy intervention, and post-abortion restoration. With five locations  in Columbia, Ephrata, Lancaster, Lebanon, and Millersville, SVPS is making a difference for life." from 

I personally appreciate how the ministry sees all sides of the coin and are supportive the entire way through, from sexual integrity, to unplanned pregnancy, and perhaps in some ways most importantly, the post-abortion restoration. The CDC reports approximately 700,000 abortions every year in the United States. While I am not judging anyone who has made this decision, I've read enough blogs and talked to enough people to know that often this choice haunts them. As Christians, we absolutely need to be covering these men and women with love and prayers and hope for their future. I'm so encouraged to see an organization like SVPS providing a much-needed service for men and women in our community.

 Throughout February the older girls and I have talked about why waiting until you are married to have sex is the best option. We have talked about abortion. We have discussed moms and dads who find themselves in a challenging situation; ones who feel abortion is their only choice, some who want to place their babies for adoption, and those who want to parent them. Our goal in involving the girls was for them to provide physical items. Even though these organizations surely deserve our dollars, our young children need to see what they are supporting and where the money is going.

On Chinese New Year I took our five daughters out to the mall (a rare treat as it's kind of an ordeal to take five girls anywhere). Each girl picked out two-three baby outfits for boys and girls. We also donated some blankets and other baby items. While I intended to deliver the items in February it just didn't happen. Today, March 12, we drove into Lancaster, braved the construction crews digging up the road, and walked up the street to the Lancaster office for SVPS. We get stares regardless of what we're doing since I've always got my little ducklings with me, but today was especially unique as I had Ruthie in the carrier, three big bags of baby items, Anne carrying Caroline, and Abbey and Maggie carrying bags half their size. 

We hope the items donated will be helpful to those who need them. We believe that every life is valuable and that all children deserve to be raised in a family.

Psalm 139:16 "Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be."

1 comment:

  1. You are such a great teacher Mom, big impression to learn by doing, love you proud of you xoxoxo Nana
