Abbey at the beach.
Today marks 35 weeks. I plan on taking one last belly shot next week and will post that along with our weekly update.... Yesterday I had an appointment to check-up on this little one.
Good: The baby still looks healthy and strong; the doppler showed good blood flow and the baby was moving around. I also got to see a different doctor at MFM who was much more encouraging than the first. He refers to the baby as a "Mighty Mini" (Strong but Tiny).
Not-so-Good: Baby Hess is still breech (his/her feet are actually up at his/her head!); the umbilical cord is wrapped around the baby's neck so chances of the baby turning are pretty slim; the amniotic fluid is at the low-normal range.
The doctor I saw very thoroughly explained some statistics and some individual cases that he has worked with dealing with Intra-Uterine Growth Restricted (IUGR) babies. He said he really pushes for delivery at 37 weeks because the placenta in all pregnancies begins to deteriorate after 37 weeks. Normally this isn't too big of an issue. However, with IUGR babies who aren't getting the nourishment that they need it becomes very dangerous. The rate of still births for IUGR babies who go past 37 weeks is incredibly high (I forget the numbers) versus babies who are growing normally.
What this means for us: We have an appointment this Saturday to check the fluid level and just to make sure baby is still looking good. Tuesday we have an appointment where we will check for growth, along with the other weekly check-up items, and confirm baby's position. I believe at that point we will schedule a date for either a c-section (if the baby doesn't turn) or induction (if the baby does turn).
I am still praying that the cord will come off the baby's neck and that it will be able to turn before 37 weeks. I'm also praying for a peace about our situation as well as being willing to let go of my plans, and to do what is best for baby. Thanks so much for all your thoughts and prayers! I've been so thankful for the encouraging emails that have been sent my way!
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