Thursday, August 5, 2010

The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

*Miniature sunflowers in our flowerbed*

Yesterday was another appointment at Maternal Fetal Medicine (MFM). I was 34 weeks and they were checking for growth along with the other regular things they check.

So, we'll start with the good. The baby has gained 12 ounces in the past 2 weeks. (All that peanut butter must be helping!) The doctor said this was "adequate". The baby is still looking healthy and strong; the umbilical cord, placenta and doppler (brain measurement) all looked fantastic.

The bad: The baby is still breech (feet first). Also the doctor still wants to induce at 37 weeks.

The ugly: When Trent questioned whether induction was really necessary as long as the baby is growing, the doctor said that it is what they recommend. When Trent asked what the risks are of continuing to let the baby grow in-utero the doctor said, "Death". Trent said, "So, the baby is just going to spontaneously die after 37 weeks?" And the doctor said, "You can refuse to be induced, but if the baby dies after 37 weeks it will be your fault. You'll have to live with that for the rest of your life, knowing that if you would have induced your baby would be alive, but just because you don't want a more painful labor you'll risk your baby's life." (So is he responsible if the baby dies prior to 37 weeks???)

Needless to say I was a sobbing, blubbering mess by this time. I was extremely dissatisfied with the way the doctor approached our questions (maybe he has never been questioned before?). Looking back I can see what he means; that induction is their recommendation and if we choose not to follow that recommendation, that whatever happens (good or bad) it was our choice. He could have worded his thoughts differently. Our question that he didn't ever answer was that AS LONG AS the baby continues to grow, what would be the purpose of inducing early? Obviously if there was something wrong, the baby wasn't growing, the placenta was dying, or becoming unattached to the uterine wall, etc. then yes, of course we would induce/c-section to insure the baby's safety. If he could give me a good reason for inducing early we would consider it.

Today I had a May-Grant appointment and saw a doctor I had not seen before. When I voiced my concerns to him, he agreed that the doctor from MFM was extremely rude and should not have talked to me in the way he did. He also said that I can ask for the other doctor that works for MFM. In addition, he said that they should look at each individual on a case-by-case basis. Since I go to MFM weekly and am closely following the baby's movements at home, we should be able to catch any problems very quickly. He was very encouraging to stick it out and allow the baby to grow in-utero for as long as it is safe.

At this point we are going to continue with our weekly appointments at MFM, and May-Grant. We plan on only inducing if it is necessary for the health of our child, which it does not seem to be at this point. We would definitely appreciate prayers for wisdom, and also for strength. The appointments with MFM are very stressful and emotional for me, and Trent will not be able to accompany me for the next 2 appointments so I will have to be the one asking the questions and standing up for myself and our child. Thank you again for all your thoughts, prayers, and encouraging stories; they are much appreciated!!

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