Our crazy Annie-Banannie!

Sweet Abbey Frances with her big eyes! I've recently taken to
calling her "Francie" which seems to suit her quite well.
calling her "Francie" which seems to suit her quite well.
Hi friends & family. Just thought I'd update on our little baby Hess. Last Tuesday baby was measured for growth and it was estimated that the baby weighed 2 lbs. 13 oz, which was a 4 oz. growth from 2 weeks previous. That put baby Hessian below the 2nd percentile. The doctor said he would have liked to see a 6 or 8 oz. gain. The baby was moving great and looked healthy otherwise. He/she even had a 10 minute bout with the hiccups during the ultrasound, which was pretty cute to see.
Today I had another U/S and NST. They did not measure growth today, but looked at the brain, movement, heart, lungs, and measured fluid. The sonographer pointed out that the baby's lungs contracting, showing how it is practicing breathing. It was amazing to be able to see this. The NST went well, and thankfully the baby stayed awake (last week it fell asleep) so they were able to see what they needed to and all is well.
The baby is still in breech position. At this point one of my biggest fears is that the baby will not turn. The doctor I had today said that at this point in pregnancy (33 weeks) about 30% of babies are breech. In the next 2-3 weeks that goes down to about just 3% of babies in breech position. I'm really praying for the baby to turn to the head-down position before next Wednesday when I have my next appointment. It will be very reassuring for me and a big weight off my shoulders.
Today Annie stayed with Mema (my mom) after my appointment. Annie was beyond excited to go to Aunt Pat's pool and try out her new goggles that Mema gave her! Abbey is teething and having a rough morning. She's sleeping now, for which I am thankful. Hopefully she can get a good nap in and feel better!
It is extremely difficult having weekly ultrasounds and not finding out the gender of this little one!! Some days I think the baby is a girl, and Trent and I joke that we'll probably end up with 7 little girls. Other days I think the baby must be a boy if it is this stubborn. Plus, we haven't decided on a boy name, so we'll probably end up having a boy and be in the hospital with no name!
I'm so thankful for such a wonderful and supportive husband. He is taking good care of me. Some evenings when I am very tired he will take the girls out for an hour or so just so I can get a little extra rest in. Plus, I think he really does enjoy his little outings with just him and the girls. He has also started forcing me to eat spoonfuls of peanut butter everyday for the extra protein!!
I will continue to keep you all posted in the coming weeks as to what our Baby Hess is doing!
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