No, we're not pregnant.
Last night I got an e-mail from a friend who just announced they are expecting their second little baby. I was extremely excited for them. In fact, Trent came in the room and asked what I was smiling at as I stared joyfully at the computer screen.
As I was brushing my teeth I just kept on thinking about how excited I was to hear about this new life growing inside my friend. I started praising God for this new baby, and lifted up prayers of health for the mother and health for the unborn child. I still couldn't wipe the smile off my face. As I was praising God I had a sudden thought that had never come to me before when thinking of new life. I thought, If I'm this excited, how much more excited must God be??
I know God has a special plan for this unborn baby as he does for each of us. I'm so thankful that my friend and her husband are raising their children in a Christ-centered home. Psalm 127:3 says "Children are a gift of the Lord."
Updates on our little Hessians:
Magdalena: is 6 months old! It is so hard to believe sometimes. She has a 6-month wellness check-up tomorrow so I'll update with weight and length after her appointment. She can roll from her belly to her back, and also from her back to her belly. She can sit up with the help of a boppy pillow. She adores her sisters, and Anne is especially skilled in making her laugh. What a joy!
Abigail: is actually sick today. Poor thing was throwing up this morning. Recently Abbey has been enjoying puzzles. She can easily do our "chunky" wooden pieced animal puzzles. She also likes attempting the alphabet puzzle. I was surprised to see that she actually knows where several of the pieces go! When we sing the ABCs she says, "A-B-C-Noah!" She is very much in the "monkey-see, monkey-do" phase. She imitates EVERYTHING (good & bad) that big sister does. It is definitely a lesson for all of us. She continues to be true to her name and brings our home so much joy!
Anne: has also been interested in puzzles. She has two 24/25 piece puzzles that she can do. She still needs a small amount of help to get them fully put together, but she is getting there. We are working on the alphabet. She can recognize all of them (sometimes she gets X, Y and Z mixed up), and we are working on being able to write them in upper and lower case. Anne also enjoys hearing chapters read to her from "Little House in the Big Woods" by Laura Ingalls Wilder.
Trent reads to Anne and Abbey before bed while I go out of the room to nurse Magdalena. Right now they are reading "The BFG" by Roald Dahl (one of my childhood favorites). Abbey runs around before bed yelling "B-F-G, B-F-G!" I love that they love books!
Well, I suppose that will be all for today. I'll update some tomorrow about our "new year's resolutions" and Maggie's 6-month check-up.
I'll leave you with a little Anne story. We have a little fishpond out back, and for the past 3 winters have always put a little heater in it so the fish wouldn't die. We decided last summer that it was just too much work to keep it clean (a neighbor's tree drops all kinds of stuff in it) and we would close it up this Spring. So Trent thought we wouldn't bother putting the heater in this winter, plus he wasn't sure how necessary it really was. Well, the pond is thawing... Yesterday Anne went out with Petey, looked in to the pond and come running full speed at me. She yelled, "Mom! Mom! I see the fish in the pond. They're laying on their side like this!" So, I go out, and sure enough, 3 fish are dead, floating in the pond. (Gross). We called daddy at work to tell him. We told Anne that we would bury the fish. Anne was explaining to Abbey that daddy will get the shovel, and dig a hole, and we'll put the fish in and bury them. Then Jesus will make them alive again. I said, "Oh, honey, I don't think Jesus will make your fish alive again." She was extremely distraught at this. This morning before breakfast she was telling Trent how sad she was that her fish died (she was nearly in tears), and asking daddy why he didn't put the heater in so they could live?? Later in the morning, she went upstairs. I assumed she had to go potty, and she came back down a little later. She asked, "Mommy, did you know what I was doing?" (This is a scary question for a 3-year-old to ask.) I said, "Ummm... were you going potty?" Anne responded, "Nope. I was in my room praying that God would make my fish alive."
While on one hand it is funny, on another I find it profound. There is such beauty in pure childlike faith. She is completely unhindered by my adult "knowledge" that dead pond fishies aren't going to come back to life. Her faith is pure, not jaded by reality. Trent said, "Well, maybe if we prayed hard enough and had enough faith, they would come back to life."
Dear Jesus-give me a faith like that. I want to have more of you!!
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