Abbey's Stats: She is 32 1/4 inches tall (5th percentile, only grew 1/4 inch in the past 6 months), and she weighs 21 pounds (5th percentile, 1 pound gained in the past 6 months).
Things Abbey loves: her sisters! She loves following Annie around and imitating everything big sister does. She likes talking to baby Maggie and as soon as Maggie wakes up from a nap Abbey will say, "I go talk to her!" and will run upstairs to climb into Magdalena's crib to talk to her. Abbey loves The Berenstain Bears (books & videos). Her favorite character is "Brother Bear" and often when we say, "Abbey, it's time to get in your seat to eat" she will say, "No, I'm Brother Bear." Her favorite animal is an owl. My grandparents (her great-Nana & Grampa) sent her the book "Owl Babies" for her birthday. I never knew it but my Grampa also really likes owls, so they gave her one of his books. It's a really cute story about three little owls. You can read about it here. Her favorite part is when the little owl says "I want my mommy!!" =)

Abbey continues to wear her glasses. We have also had to start patching her good eye for 2 hours a day in order to make her weak eye stronger. She usually does pretty well with it, but sometimes I have to offer her a jelly bean to get her to keep it on the full 2 hours.

Abbey is very definitely in the "terrible twos". Just this morning she wanted to push the doll stroller that Annie was pushing. She kept saying, "I had it first!" but I was there, and she did not have it first. She was chasing Anne down and when Anne stopped Abbey bit her arm hard enough to make a ring of teeth marks. So, I had to give her a swat and put her in her room until she could tell me why she was in there. It took 2 or 3 times of me going in before she had calmed herself down enough to tell me that she was in her room because she bit Annie. Then she apologized, Anne readily forgave her, and they moved on as if nothing happened.

My least favorite part of parenting (thus far) is potty training. I was so terrible at it with Annie, and I'm not sure of the best way to approach it. My good friend told me that she would only use underwear, never pull-ups, because it confuses them. So, I know I just have to take the plunge, and do it, and deal with the pee and poop. I just love when they are 3 - 3 1/2 years old and can go themselves.... of course, they have to get there somehow. We'll make it!

Abbey can also write the letter "A". The first time she did it was a month before she turned 2. (And I thought Anne was a genius when she did it 2 months after she turned 2). She was coloring with markers and said, "up, down, across". And sure enough, I looked and she had already written about 5 "A"s all over her paper. When I got really excited about it she quick colored them all in! What a little stinker!! But, she does them willingly now. I love that I can be at home and celebrate each little thing that my kids do. What a blessing!

We are definitely enjoying every moment with our little Abigail Frances and are looking forward to the future years of watching her grow and mature. My prayer for Abbey is that she will grow in her knowledge of the Lord and that one day she will receive Him as her Savior!

And, finally, a special "thank you" to my sister, Stacy, for taking Abbey's wonderful pictures! Gotta love those "candid" photos!!

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