You all know of Anne's desire for a brother. She asks on a regular basis for a brother, and even prays for a brother. The other day I had sent Anne to her room for being out of control and when Trent went to get her she was in Maggie's room looking through the Baby Names Book that we used for each of our girls. When he asked what she was doing, she said she was choosing a name for her brother. When he asked what name she chose she said, "Daniel." She has for a long time liked this name and said that if she ever has a brother she will name him Daniel. I hadn't really thought much about it other than it was a cute story. When I was sharing it with a woman at church she said, "Just wait until you receive a referral for a little boy named Daniel. God has a sense of humor."
I had never thought of that. When I told Trent he said that it would just be creepy if that happened and that one particular child would be instantly attached.
I had a good visit today with another friend from church who does foster care and has adopted her children through foster care. It was so fantastic to be able to hear her story and although some of what she said could be taken as "scary" I loved every word because to me it perfectly illustrated God's love and faithfulness. She shared a story of her little boy praying for a baby brother. She kept trying to tell him, no, I don't think that's going to happen. Well wouldn't you know? They were approached by a birthmom to adopt her unborn baby BOY! Of course, her little boy said, "We'll take him! I prayed for that!"
Child-like faith is such a beautiful thing isn't it? This is how Anne prays for her Daniel.
I've been in contact with Lancaster Children & Youth and should receive an information packet from them this week. I'm excited about it, and still praying that God will reveal the direction we are supposed to take.
A couple of health updates!
Abbey is pooping on the potty EVERY DAY!! PRAISE GOD!!
She's excited about it and seems to have gotten over her fear or whatever the problem was. Our next step is to slowly wean her off the medication that she is on. This is such an answer to prayer!
I made an appointment for Magdalena to have her blood work done this Friday. While it doesn't sound like the most enjoyable thing for her (or me) to endure, I think we really need to know for sure what her diagnoses is. She had a couple really bad days last week, and I don't know if she ate something wrong, or if it is because she is getting 2 teeth, but it was like the "old days" of crying, crying, crying. A huge thank you goes out to my mother-in-law for agreeing to watch Anne and Abigail while I take Maggie to the doctor.
That's all for now! Hopefully I'll get a chance to write again soon!!
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