Friday, July 5, 2013

December Baby

I love babies. Is there anything more precious than holding a sweet newborn baby on your chest? Well, maybe relaxing on an empty beach with no responsibilities would be nice, but that's just not the season of life I am in.

So I celebrate babies. I am always so thrilled when friends announce pregnancies, and (as most of you probably already know) I'm even more excited when the pregnancy is my own, like this time!

Since I've gone through three very different pregnancies and three very different deliveries, I always enjoy hearing other moms (and dads!) share their stories.

***If you don't care about pregnancy details, you may want to stop reading now.***

Many of you will remember my pregnancy with Magdalena was far from ideal. She had Intra-Uterine Growth Restriction (IUGR) which basically means that for some unknown reason the baby is not growing the way she should and is in less than the 5th percentile for weight. She was also footling breech, and had the cord twice around her neck. I had to have a "classical c-section" where they make a vertical cut in the uterus to get the baby out.

The vertical cut basically slices right through all the muscles in the uterus, thereby compromising the strength of the uterus. Major stress (such as going into labor) could cause the uterus to rupture *which can result in extensive bleeding, hysterectomy, or death*.

Needless to say, we were very cautious about having another baby. I am very thrilled with the doctor I am seeing. She along with another doctor will be monitoring me closely, especially as I get further along. The baby will be born early to avoid any contractions putting stress on the uterus.

When people ask when I'm due I find it a little difficult to answer. I'm technically due January 16, but they baby will be born 3-4 weeks early, so sometime in December

As we look forward to our "December Baby" I am having so much fun with the girls. They are completely thrilled that we are having another baby. They have started a "Watch our Baby Grow" chart, where each month they are using a ruler draw how big the baby is and they hang the paper on the wall.  Such an awesome and meaningful learning experience!!

I've always had tons of ultrasounds for all of my pregnancies, but this was the first time I had one early-on. The girls got to come in with me and watch the ultrasound. Our baby is about 2 inches long, has arms and legs and fingers and toes and it's little heart is just pumping away. Anne was completely amazed. The ultrasound was starting to get long (over 30 minutes) and Maggie was getting bored, so she said, "I wish the baby were dead." {Which is completely awful to say.} But Anne quickly responded, "Well, we can see it's heart beating, so we know it's alive."

I was so amazed. This little 5-year-old girl gets it - understands that what she is seeing on the screen is a baby; real and alive. Yet millions of these precious babies are aborted because people either don't "get it" or they choose not to see it. So I'm sad for the millions, but I rejoice that this little girl truly understands this amazing concept of life inside the womb as a real life.

Another cool little story.... When the tech first started the ultrasound the baby was asleep on it's back with it's hands crossed across it's face. Midway through the ultrasound the baby woke up. Anne was beside herself with joy over this miracle. On the screen she could see December Baby kicking it's legs and waving it's arms. Then the baby was wriggling and trying so hard to turn over. It was absolutely amazing!

Scientists use a variety of things to "prove a theory". So if I'm trying to prove that a baby is alive in utero, I think I've just done a pretty good job. (and this is all at 11 weeks)
1. Heart is beating
2. Sleeps
3. Wakes up
4. Moves arms and legs

Maggie doesn't understand how long it is until December. She told my mom today when she came over for a July 4th BBQ, "Hi Mema. The baby isn't here yet."

This baby is such a gift to all of our little Hess family. We are so grateful for this new life that God has entrusted to us.  Trent and I are having fun disagreeing on names.
Nursery room art that I made!

1 comment:

  1. Very cool that the girls got to come in.Xavier & my sister&Jared came in for MrQ .
    .Xavier liked it ..but got bored!
