Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Gotcha Day!

Tuesday, May 16, 2017 Xia, GuYu officially became Ruth Veronica Hess!

In adoption world this is commonly known as "gotcha day", or "family day"; the day the adoption became legal. 

I am so happy to have this photo that our guide took after sealing Ruth's footprint on her baby book from the Douglas family. (Photo from 5/15)

The morning started like all the others: hotel breakfast. 

They don't drink a lot of milk in China and Ruth is still on formula but she is a Lancaster girl at heart. She chugged her whole milk down at breakfast!

She definitely loves getting dressed. My mom made this dress for Magdalena and Caroline also wore it. It was so special to see Ruth proudly strutting about in this dress. 
While "gotcha day" sounds exciting, this photo shows the reality of it. We sat for a long time in the Civil Affairs office. When it was our turn we answered some questions, like why we wanted to adopt and make commitments and promises to love and care for Ruth. 

Once all the families made those commitments and signed more documents we continued to wait for the oath taking ceremony. We waited what felt like a very long time. Nanning Civil Affairs just got a new director and he had not seen the adoption processes yet and wanted to be there for the ceremony.  However, he was stuck in traffic and was going to be another 30 minutes after we had already been there for an hour so we went ahead with the ceremony. 

(Waiting, waiting, waiting)

I'm hoping to have pictures of the ceremony sent to me tomorrow. 

This was the ceremony room. After the ceremony was over the director showed up which led to us being there longer so he could take photos with us and ask questions. He knelt down and was looking at Ruthie and speaking Chinese. Our guide, Vickey, told us he wanted to know what her special need was because she was so young and adorable he couldn't understand. 

We learned that donations made to Holt paid for a special doctor who does the best lip repairs in China specifically for Ruth. If you see her lip up close you can see her scar but her lip has a beautiful "bow" and her nostril is not collapsed at all as is common with cleft repairs. 

After civil affairs we went to a notary where again they asked a few questions and we signed a few papers. This trip was much quicker. Ruth was a champ the whole way through. 

Since she had snacked all morning we got back to the hotel and she ate almost this entire orange, leaving just two slices. After her bottle she was ready to fall fast asleep. 


She is the cutest sleeper I've ever seen. She automatically puts her two tiny hands together and puts them under her head. I don't know if we are just completely wiping her out or if the noise of the fan in the room helps, but we had to wake her up from her nap after a couple hours. 


We went to WalMart in China where things are impossibly cheap- I guess because all the things made in China don't have to be shipped. This WalMart was so crazy. 

To get to it you go to the hotel lobby. Instead of going outside, there's like a secret passage (okay, it's an open door) that opens up into a huge, 4+ story mall. If you go down two fights from the lobby (essentially the basement) and walk past a bunch more shops, you get to a WalMart. With groceries. And Chinese beer and wine. It was amazing. I wanted to buy all the things, especially the plates. So cheap and beautiful designs you wouldn't find in the US. 

Then we went for a swim! The pools here require swim caps, even for babies. 


If I looked that cute in my swim cap I wouldn't complain. 

But no. I look like this. 

We know Ruth loves the water but for some reason she did not like this pool. She got really quiet and withdrawn again. The water was also a little too cold for her. 

We took her in the whirlpool. Not super hot or with strong jets like in the US. More just a warm pool. She really just wanted Mama to hold her. 

I wasn't complaining!

I felt bad seeing her withdrawn like that when she was doing so well so we headed back to our room for some snuggles. 


She watched a little soccer for Mema. 

Then we are! Trent had a Reuben sandwich, I had a chicken club, and Ruth had chicken tenders and fries. She mostly loved the fries and ketchup. Today I taught Ruth sign language for "more". She uses a lot of grunting and pointing to communicate. I just showed her once or twice and she can do it and ask for more in a way that is easily understood. She is so very very clever. 


Chinese beer and some other girly drink. 


Apple pie for dessert. Trent fed her a bite but then was waving her hands "no". We thought she was full and just wanted down. Trent tried again and she again shook her hands no but then said "Mama". I said, "Do you want me to feed you?" And she smiled and nodded. It totally made my day!


After dinner she put on her shoes and brought me mine. This is how she tells us she wants to get out of the room to play. She insists on walking by herself but must hold each of our hands as we walk to the elevator. Looking in the elevator mirror usually makes her smile. 


This is the view up from the 7th floor. There is a fountain and courtyard here where we let Ruth get out a little energy. It has a glass ceiling to let in lots of natural light. 

Giving Daddy rocks from the bottom of the fountain. 
I think she's practicing for when we go to Trout Run and she can throw rocks in the stream. 


It was another great day. We are thankful for this beautiful girl who is now part of our forever family. 

We will go tomorrow morning to see her finding place; the spot she was found abandoned. It's sure to be an emotional day. 

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