Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Travel Update + Some Adoption Thoughts

So much good news to share!

Monday, August 12, we got a brief update of sweet Heidi Grace. She now weighs 17 pounds and is 28 inches tall. Although the update didn't state that she is crawling, two of the photos make it appear she is either crawling or very close to it (she is 21 months old). This is a wonderful improvement in her skills as she could only just sit up independently in April at 17 months old.

Yesterday, August 13, 2019, we got travel approval! This gives us specific approval to enter China with the intent of adopting our daughter.

Today, August 14, the protests in Hong Kong have settled down. This has been a concern for us because our flights into and out of China layover in Hong Kong and recently several days of flights have been cancelled.We believe that we will be safe to fly without difficulty.

We have our official FAMILY DAY scheduled (sometimes called Gotcha Day), which is the day we will be united with Heidi! This is scheduled for Monday, September 2. Less than three weeks until my precious daughter will be in our arms and we can share her photo with you all!

I plan to blog everyday as I did for our last adoption. You can now subscribe to my blog by typing in your email at the bottom of this page to get email notifications of when I post. I am hoping to still be able to post to Facebook once a day but I'm unsure if that will be possible so if you don't want to miss anything, be sure to subscribe!

Finally, I want to share some thoughts on adoption. I have very openly and publicly discussed our adoptions for one main reason. Simply put; adoption is amazing. I hope that by sharing our joys and challenges that you all will be encouraged in your relationship with Jesus, and that if you don't have a relationship with Jesus that you will want to know what it's all about. Second, I hope to encourage my friends and family to be involved in adoption in one way or another.

I can wholeheartedly say that my church, my community, my friends and family have done this. They have loved and supported us in more ways than I can count. When you hear the phrase "it takes a village", this is what comes to mind. We could not be going to China in two weeks if it weren't for the support we have had from all of you.

My greatest hope is that I will have the opportunity to support you in this same way. If you are interested in adoption, please reach out to me because I would love to have real, serious discussions about what it could look like for your family, how to pay for it, and how to get started.

Thank you all!
Much love, Emily

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