Sunday, September 8, 2019

Free Day = Bonding

Little by little we’re making progress. Heidi drank a bottle at breakfast (still just the spoon bottle) and the Trent fed her this yogurt. She no longer screams when she sees food, which may not sound like much but is pretty significant progress.

She was so happy after breakfast and I was even able to capture her playing peek-a-boo using her own hands! We’ve played LOTS of peek a boo using my hands and hers but when she actually did it on her own I couldn’t believe it! 

Today was a free day with no appointments. We decided not to go to Shamain Island this year since our guide told us they’ve ripped out most of the trees and there are only 4 shops open there and it looks like a bombed out war zone. He sort of glossed over the reason but mentioned it had to do with politics. 

That left a wide open day with not much to do. We tried to find a park across the street but weren’t successful. We went with another couple and their daughter to the park we visited last time we were here. There has been so much construction and change in the past 2.5 years. It’s incredible, actually. 

There were lots of people exercising in the park. The people doing this exercise with fans was fascinating to watch!

This building on the lake is just as stunning as it was before. 

I remembered today why I brought mostly dresses this time to China. It’s hot and humid! Heidi needs some sun on her pale skin so this was a good opportunity for it before we go home to fall weather. 

This whole badminton court was new! So many spectators and players. 

Looked like lots of intense games of ping pong also happening. 

There was a wedding at the hotel and I had to snap a photo of the bride in her beautiful dress! 

We needed to kill some time because we wanted Heidi to stay awake until after the man came to collect our laundry at 2 pm. We decided to try to hotel pool. The pool at the last hotel was under construction and we wouldn’t have gone anyway with the way Heidi was feeling about life. 

She wasn’t too sure at first but in the end we decided she liked it. She was fascinated by the way her hand looks under the water and how the water dropped off her fingers. She liked splashing a little also. 

The pool is on the fourth floor and has a neat view of the skyline. 

All the sunshine and fresh air really wore Heidi out. She took a great nap all afternoon but that left Trent and I in our room with not much to do. I read a book on my phone and Trent played a video game and scrolled around for awhile and even napped. 

Finally it was dinner time! We met up with the same couple we went to the park with to eat at BoomBax which is new from the last time we were here. It was really trendy and pretty inside. The prices aren’t bad but not nearly as cheap as the Muslim noodle shop. 

Our guide said it was a hipster place. 

They had the best descriptions for their foods. 

I went out on a limb to try something new: ox tail sandwich. It was not good. There was something weird on it that made me feel unhappy in my mouth. Once I took that off the sandwich it was better but not great. 

I don’t know what Trent got. He said it was pretty good, but it sure didn’t beat a $2 bowl of dumplings. 

Lesson learned. But this place did have air conditioning so it was much more pleasant to sit in a nice chair, have space, and A/C on a sweltering day. 

Sorry for my weird face. These are our new friends, Ryan and Amanda and their precious daughter, Sunny. 

More spoon bottles for Heidi. 

When we got back to the hotel we let her crawl around and play for awhile, then I made her some dinner. I mixed a strawberry yogurt with infant rice cereal and formula. It was the thickest thing I have given her so far. 

She did amazing. At lunch and dinner she reached out with her head/mouth to accept the spoon into her mouth. We have made other small adjustments to the way she eats that hardly seem like progress yet are. For example, she sits up straight to eat rather than lying down. We haven’t introduced the high chair yet but that may be a lesson we start in the comfort of our home rather than a public setting. 

When she was nearly finished with her dinner she did have a gagging incident. She recovered from it quickly and still wanted to eat. However, a couple bites later she gagged again and then was finished. She screamed and made her body stiff. We instantly stopped feeding her and put everything away so she could calm down. 

Tomorrow is another day without appointments. We may try One Link Mall since I don’t think Heidi would hold up for the all day Safari Park trip even though it was a highlight of our trip last time. I may do some other shopping for gifts and keepsakes tomorrow afternoon while Heidi is napping just to get out for a bit. 

Thank you again for your continued prayers. We’re amazed at the progress she has made in such a short time. 

This morning Trent was holding Heidi on his lap and playing a clapping game with her. She was looking at him so lovingly and adoringly. He looked at me and said, “she’s pretty precious isn’t she?” 

I agree. Her life is precious. She is a gift and it’s an honor to be her mom. I really am such an ordinary person and yet God is allowing extraordinary things to happen in my life simply by following him. 

What a blessing that God led us to Heidi and gave us the courage to step out in faith, to trust him for where her life and story will go. 

Thanks for coming along with us on this adventure! 

1 comment:

  1. I love reading your posts. It feels like the progress Heidi is making is because she has 2 very patient and loving parents! Blessings on the rest of your trip!
