After a very long and in-dept level II ultrasound this morning, it looks like our baby is quite little. They are estimating between the 2nd-3rd percentile. The good news is that the baby is head down, the cervix is still closed, and the baby appears to be healthy and strong. The bad news is that I will now require weekly Non-Stress Tests and Ultrasounds at Maternal-Fetal medicine, along with my either bi-weekly or weekly May-Grant appointments.
So what does this mean and why are we doing it?
Although the baby appears to be healthy, they want to continue to monitor closely the baby's heart rate and movements (via the weekly NSTs), and the growth (via the ultrasounds). My big question was why do this if the baby is healthy? Is there really something wrong with having a small baby? What I heard from the doctor was that although there doesn't appear to be anything that is restricting the growth, if there was, they would catch it much quicker doing it this way than waiting 3-4 weeks before doing another u/s. I also was hearing that there isn't necessarily anything wrong with having a small baby. There is a possibility of a wrong due date since I was breastfeeding when I got pregnant with our sweet Baby #3. However, they can't change the due date now, since apparently that needs to be done early in pregnancy via U/S.
So what happens?
We pray for growth, we go to our weekly appointments, and we wait. The longest they will allow me to go is 37 weeks considering the baby continues to grow and stays in the same 2nd, 3rd, or higher percentile. If they see the baby going down to the 0 or 1st percentile it could potentially require hospital stays and/or daily/every-other day ultrasounds. Obviously we do not want that to happen. One of our big concerns was what if the due date IS wrong, and they induce at 5 weeks early rather than the "full term" 37 weeks? The doctor said they would probably do amniocentesis at 37 weeks (if we make it that far), and determine whether the baby's lungs are mature or not. If not they would give a steroid shot to help the lungs along, but he made it seem that regardless this baby will be born by 37 weeks.
Tomorrow I will be 30 weeks, which puts us at 7 weeks or less until the baby is born. I was counting on 10 or more weeks (considering the girls were both late, I fully anticipated that this baby would be as well). The doctor also said that at the current rate of growth we can expect to have a baby anywhere between 5- 6 pounds.
So how do we feel??
When I left the appointment I was nearly in tears. This is not what I had anticipated or wanted. I wanted to go into labor on my own, deliver with out an epidural, etc. However, after driving through McDonald's and treating myself to a Mocha Frappe, and sitting down by myself at home (my mom still had the girls for me), I was able to allow myself to really think through the situation, and most importantly: PRAY!! And I really did feel a sense of peace. I know that God has this baby in His hands, and that regardless of what happens, God is still good. Some women do go in to labor naturally at 37 weeks (and before), and have perfectly healthy babies. After my experience of being induced with Anne I decided I never wanted to do that again. (ouch!) However, I do want what is best for this baby, and if the doctors feel that it is best to induce labor at 37 weeks, then that is what we will do. Most importantly, throughout these next few weeks we will continue to put our trust in the Lord, and pray fervently for this little one to grow and stay put until 37 weeks. I also will be praying to go into labor naturally at 37 weeks, and really try to remember that God is in control over the entire situation.
We are extremely thankful to the family and friends who have offered to watch our girls for us while we are at appointments or just to give me a break. I would say the best way you can help at this point is to pray for growth, pray for a strong baby, and to pray that I will go into labor on my own by 37 weeks to avoid induction. Thanks again, family and friends! We love you!
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