Monday, April 4, 2011

Humbled through Children

Have I mentioned on here before how God uses my children to teach me?

Regardless of whether the children know it or not, they are God's messengers to me.

For the past almost 3 weeks Magdalena has been crying. A lot. A lot as in sometimes 3 hours at a time. Now, those of you who had babies who cried may or may not be sympathizing with me. Because Magdalena hasn't always been a crier. She was doing quite well sleeping through the night, going to bed at a reasonable hour, and all that jazz. I thought I had it all together. Until she started crying.

Would you believe it took almost 2 weeks of her crying before I told anyone (other than Trent, of course)? Why wouldn't I tell anyone?

P-R-I-D-E! I didn't want anyone to know that I was losing sleep at night and couldn't get my own 7-month-old child to stop crying for long stretches of time. I truly was feeling like I was not a good mother, that I was doing something wrong, that I (dare I even say it) needed help!!


PSALM 10:4 NKJ "The wicked in his proud countenance does not seek God; God is in none of his thoughts."

I got behind in my daily Bible readings, and the crying got worse. Perhaps not worse, but at least less-easy to handle.

PROVERBS 11:2 NKJ "When pride comes, then comes shame; but with the humble is wisdom."

So I "gave in" and told a few girlfriends, and asked for prayer. I took Maggie to the doctor to make sure she wasn't ill. I asked for more prayer. I prayed and prayed. I napped when the kids were napping. I slacked on my devotions and Bible reading and would sleep instead.

I prayed often for strength. As I was praying a couple evenings ago I was reminded of how Jonathan encouraged David and helped him to find his strength in the Lord. This started me thinking.... If I am not in the Word of God on a daily basis, how can I find my strength in Him?

So back to my Bible I went. I'm getting caught up on the days I missed. I am back in my Bible study. I am so encouraged by the Scriptures. If you ever want to read an awesome "sermon" about our flesh versus the Spirit, just read Galatians chapters 5 and 6 out loud to yourself with passion in your voice.

And Maggie slept through the night last night for the first time in weeks. Thanks to all of you who have been praying. And thanks to my little girl, who through not sleeping for a few weeks taught her Mama that she is not perfect, far from super-mom, and needs Christ more than she needs sleep or a cup of coffee.

Now I just pray that the sleeping continues and I'll be thankful that I'm not walking through the desert with a crying baby like the Israelites, or worrying about high fevers and no doctors like mothers had to do 100 years ago (and still do in many third world countries). It's all about perspective, isn't it?

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing so honestly. I find that Edwin has shown me so much about my true character and how I want to (and shouldn't!) respond when I feel out of control and unsure of how to solve a problem.
