Sunday, May 19, 2013

Busy days (and Nights)

We have been SO crazy the past week and a half. We have just over five days before we move. The new house is a MESS and our current house is just as bad. We've been back and forth more times than I can count. Trent's dad has been completely amazing through this all. He is a serious "Jack of all trades". He has been up on our roof to fix something, he has installed light fixtures, patched walls, reworked plumbing to install a laundry room on the first floor (the previous owner had 2 laundry hook-ups on the 2nd floor??), and countless other things. He is going to be working on installing the kitchen cabinets, the rest of the lights and some other stuff for us this week. He shrugs it off like, "Eh, it's no big deal." But really, it is a big deal. There is no way we could have bought this house if we didn't have him!

Trent is at the house now (10:44 pm) and is scraping wallpaper off the laundry room walls, prepping the half bath to be painted, and maybe even painting some more in the foyer. He took a sleeping bag with him and will be sleeping at the house tonight so that he can get an early start tomorrow morning (he took off work Monday). Trent will work on painting the foyer and hallway and probably helping his dad with the installation of the cabinets. Later Monday he'll come home and I will be meeting a friend from church to paint (I'm hoping to, with Christa's help, paint the schoolroom). Tuesday my mom is going to go to the new house with me and I'm hoping that we will be able to get the half bath, the laundry room, and the dining room all painted. If we finish all of those things I'd love to work on painting some of the trim. At some point next week Trent will be shampooing the carpets and I will continue to pack up everything at our Conestoga house, along with my regular day-to-day stuff (taking care of the kids, keeping up with laundry, cooking, washing dishes, etc.)

I'm trying not to feel stressed. I also have some Mama Hess signs that I need to finish up. I'm hoping to get one finished tomorrow morning and get those out of the house before the week ends so that I'm not packing those, too. Ay-yi-yi! It's crazy!!

1 comment:

  1. Been thinking of you guys! As a non-local, I've enjoyed seeing the pictures. I drove through New Providence last week (at night) and thought about your place. Hoping you can retain inner calm while you're in transition!!
