Seven months home. Time is such a bizarre thing, and as always, it seems to have flown by and dragged all at once.
Changes in Ruth seem smaller as the days go by, but I believe it’s because we are together all the time. Speech is her biggest daily struggle. However, we were at the doctor yesterday and our nurse noticed how much her speech has improved in the two months since we were last in the office. It is very encouraging to have someone a little further removed to make note of her improvements.
We made some adjustments at home to improve our days, most notably that I started teaching lessons in the afternoon when Ruth is napping as she was very noisy and chatty while I was teaching. This has been a fantastic change for all of us. She gets more attention in the mornings and we get school done in one hour in the afternoon as opposed to the three hours it was taking with the constant interruptions.
Let’s look back at what Ruthie was up to this month!
In the morning the big girls do homework. Abbey was taking a break from her work to play with Ruth!
It was a month of sweet snuggles with favortie people. She has really loved my mom this past month. Here we are visiting at my mom’s house after her pizza Sundays.
We kept my nephew, Matteo, one morning while my sister had clinical. Ruth loves him quite a bit, and was feeding him tortilla chips.
Ruth was sad because her big sisters spent the afternoon with grandma Hess. Thankfully having Matteo there cheered her up. Oddly, they are entranced by watching the dog poop.
We ate out at Taco Bell one night!
She enjoyed her first Pennsylvania snow! I wasn’t sure how she would feel about it but she actually really enjoyed it!
She was pretty confused as to why big sis picked it up and started eating it.
And not at all impressed when I tried to feed her snow.
But in typical Ruthie fashion, she liked it when she could do it by herself!
Daddy pulling them around the yard was super fun!
She loved playing peekaboo at Our Sunday School Christmas party.
Sledding with mama was fun.
But sledding all by herself was even better.
Drinking hot cocoa after sledding was pretty fabulous.
She always loves to convince a sister to read to her. Thankfully she has lots of sisters who can read that she can choose from.
This one cracked me up. I had measured all the girls to see how they’ve grown. She has grown about 2 inches since coming home but as you can see, she would like to be a little taller.
My mother-in-law found this beautiful Chinese coat for her. It’s one of my favorite things to see her wear. And she’s holding up 2 fingers to show she is two!
Reading with Uncle Troy is so fun for Ruthie. It’s been really special to see her pick out family from just casual friendships. She really loves Uncle Troy, and who wouldn’t? He gives the best piggy back rides up the steps on Wednesday nights.
Ruthie enjoyed a play date with friends from church. Thanks for having us, Lynette!
Caroline shared her birthday presents with Ruth, including these smelly markers which they just color all over their noses.
And these magnet drawing boards which was great until Ruth wanted the bigger one and smacked Carrie over the head with the small one when she was told, “no”.
She loves these matching Christmas jammies. She gets so excited, points to the moose on her shirt, then the moose on mamas shirt (or anyone else who is wearing them) and laughs or jabbers.
We honored Ruth’s Chinese heritage by eating pork fried rice at our Parmarter Christmas gathering.
Lots of cousins on the Parmarter side. It makes for a noisy, but fun get together.
We were all very ready for a long nap after that! And she is still the cutest sleeper.
She went up front with the big kids on the Christmas Eve service.
Happy first Christmas home, darling!
All gathered in mama and daddy’s bed for the reading of the birth of Jesus. Then opening stockings.
Roo and Care both got balance bikes (because, obviously, they had to get the same gift). She was excited about it but it still a little short to reach the floor comfortably. I think by Spring this will be the perfect fit for her.
New overalls from Grandma Hess and Gumby from Uncle Todd and Aunt Sarah. Christmas Day was a little overwhelming with the amount of gifts, but getting home was very nice to settle down and choose one thing at a time to play with.
Play-doh was a good choice the day after Christmas.
These two love to get blankets and lie on the floor together to listen to books on CD or nursery rhymes and kid songs. It’s not uncommon to see them gathered in this spot, giggling together.
So happy 7 months home, Ruthie! You add so much joy and laughter and noise to our home.
We wouldn’t have it any other way.

She was being so cute wanting a picture with daddy.
This is my sad face when she wanted absolutely nothing to do with taking a picture with mama. Hah. She looks so confused!
Oh, Little Roo, how we love you!