In keeping with my standard behavior I am writing an Easter post two days after Easter Sunday, rather than before like all the other bloggers in the world. What can I say? I'm going against the flow. Okay, fine, I'm a procrastinator. (Plus, it didn't end Easter Sunday. He rose. He stayed on Earth another 40 days. So I'm still safe talking about this for another 38 days.)
My chalkboard drawing. |
There is always so much that goes on during any holiday. Amidst all the prep work of food, house cleaning, cleaning the children, plus the actual gatherings themselves, I find it easy to lose the meaning of the event itself. I have made a concentrated effort to keep these gatherings as simple as possible. We don't do 500 sides, 20 desserts, and 5 different wines. In fact, we don't do any wine.... maybe we should do one wine. Yes?
Thursday we had Trent's side of the family over for our Easter dinner. This included his parents, his two brothers and one sister-in-law. I taught school in the morning, then cleaned the house, and made green bean casserole. My in-laws made sweet potato pudding, and grilled pork loins. My sister-in-law made an adorable "nest" cake (wish I had a picture of this) and my brother-in-law made a delicious salad. That was it. Simple. We had this at my house so that I could put Caroline to bed, then also the big girls while the adults stayed late, drank coffee and tea and played Apples to Apples. We actually got to spend time with each other without all the fuss and stress of extra food and huge amounts of clean up.
Hess girls!!! (Minus a sleeping Caroline) |
Friday Trent was off work for Good Friday. The girls had a small amount of school (basically just a spelling test), and they wanted to read a little history. We sang this song together (either Thursday or Friday). Matt Maher's Christ is Risen. Anne and Abbey sat in my lap as the words scrolled through on my iPhone. I think I was crying as we finished. Hearing my girls sing these words was so beautiful.
Sunday my mom came over after church to eat with us. We relaxed in the afternoon. Two of my sisters came over with their kids around 4:30 in the afternoon for a huge egg hunt and some snacky foods. We visited with our neighbors.
My beautiful sister, and Caroline |
Bunny rolls. This was Caroline's favorite part of the meal. |
Opening eggs and discovering the goodies inside. It's always so fun to have the family together! |
I think Maggie (age 4) said it best. She liked the basket from Aunt Sarah, she liked the candy, she liked being with the family. But the thing she likes best about Easter is that Jesus didn't stay dead. That he rose again.
These two are so sweet. They are my inseparable girls who love to dress in matching outfits. |
Personally I find it very meaningful to spend a few moments reflecting on where I was before I repented of my sins. And then think of my spiritual conversion. I don't spend this time filling myself with regret for past sins. However, I do find it beneficial to my Spiritual growth and health to remember that I was dead in sin. And when I really and truly accepted Christ into my heart, in a crummy little dorm room in Jackson, Mississippi, that though I still sin and still fail on a daily basis, that I am no longer DEAD in that sin. I am redeemed. And you can be, too. It's a beautiful thing, to be redeemed. To feel the weight lifted from your chest and be free. Thank you, God, for sending your precious son, so that I may have life. None of us deserves it, yet he loves us so much that he pours out his grace on us. Daily. Every day, never giving up on me. And I am grateful. Oh, so grateful.
Note to self: take adorable picture first thing in the morning, NOT when everybody is tired. It's much more difficult to get a good photo with tired children. You'd think I'd know that by now. ;) |
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